Monday, June 12, 2006

5th day home!

1. All ready for church. Don't I look adorable?
2. Hannah with my parents

Today is Hannah's 5th day home! We stayed at each hotel in China for 5 days, so I keep waiting for her to start throwing her things in the suitcase! But, it definately feels good to NOT be moving on to the next place.

Hannah continues to do well adjusting. My parents came to visit Saturday, and she seemed to really enjoy the visit. It didn't hurt that they brought her a small pool to play in.

Sunday we went to church. We don't usually go twice in a weekend, but Hannah enjoyed the music so much the first time. Once again, she loved listening to the music. She clapped and sang along. After the music, I took her to her Sunday School room. I stayed with her, but I wanted her to start getting used to the room. She enjoyed it, but had a little meltdown when it was time to go. Looking back, even though she seemed to enjoy everything, it was just a little too much, too soon.

Today was our first visit to the adoption clinic. It went very well. Everyone said she was doing great. Her height is in the 25% for children her age and her weight is at the 50%. Hannah didn't enjoy the blood draw (who does?), but recovered very quickly. We will go back to the adoption clinic in about 3 weeks to get the results of the tests and for some developmental testing. She will see her regular pediatrician some time soon after that. We haven't scheduled her appointment at the Cleft Clinic yet, but that should be coming soon too.

Thanks for checking in on us!


Anonymous said...

glad to hear everything is going so well. i am so happy for you. your parents look great!

Anonymous said...


Hannah is so cute! My Hannah loves her red dress. I'm so glad you guys are home and doing well. We hope to setup a play date over the summmer.

Kelli & Hannah Drolet