Hannah's first T-ball game was so much fun! Did I tell y'all I think she has the best coaching team ever? These 3 daddies who coach her team are amazing. They took a group of 9 boys and girls 3-4 years old where only 1 had ever played t-ball before and after 3 weeks of practice, these kids really did work together as a team. They have learned so many skills and rules of the game already and the season is just beginning. But, the really important part is that they have done it in a completely no-pressure environment having fun. It's so fun watching these little ones play. Hannah's team doesn't even know they're "competing". They're just playing for fun. And at their age-level, every team member gets to bat each inning, regardless of how many "outs" there are and no score is kept. And the sentimental mother in me thinks how nice it is that no one has to watch their kid get that last "out" or be responsible for their team losing, and all the kids go home happy. Ahh...too bad it cant' stay that way as they get older. I know, I know - all you sports fans out there are going to get me for that one. I know, there's lessons in life to be learned from winning well and losing well. But, there's also lessons in life to be learned from playing for the pure joy of it too. And I'm thankful that at least for this year, I get to watch a whole league of preschoolers play simply for the joy of playing.
Ready to head off to the ballpark!
Part of the cheering section
Getting ready for the game to begin
Warming up: look at her catch that ball!
More warm-ups: throwing practice
hitting the ball
On the field "baseball ready" waiting for the ball to come her way
I love this picture for the intensity and energy it shows - running into home base (and you can't really see it on the photo here - but there is a HUGE smile on her face!)
How fun!! Love the cheering section
Oh DeEtte, can we come watch? This is something I just have to see in person! She is just going after it, I can tell! What fun!
I loved her two year gotcha anniversary post too. Very very very sweet, especially when you talked about answering the unspoken questions in her heart in an encouraging way. Love that.
Way to go in T-ball Hannah!
Yea, Hannah! We are so proud of you! And what a cool little cheering section! We love you.
Grandma & Grandpa
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