Sunday, April 30, 2006

More than I Can Imagine . . More late-night thoughts!

Well, it's not exactly midnight thoughts . . .How about 11:00 p.m. thoughts? I don't have any news to report - no consulate date yet. The U.S. consulate is closed Monday - Wednesday, so I may not hear anything until late in the week. I was a bit bummed out about that Friday evening and Saturday morning (I wanted to **KNOW**, I wanted dates, I wanted to take control!) . .but God's been readjusting my attitude. I haven't been in control at all (and that's a good thing) so now's not the time to take over. God has done an amazing job so I really should let Him finish what He started!

When I wrote my thoughts at midnight a few weeks ago - I had been thinking about how God has truly done more than I can imagine in my life lately. And that's kind of been my theme for this whole chapter of my journey. I've thought about it often, and said it often. It's from Ephesians 3:20.

As I look at how this process has gone, how smooth it's been (and overall, it has been incredibly smooth - even though it's felt like a rollercoaster at times!), how God has met and continues to meet EVERY need, how my community has surrounded me with their support, love, and prayers, and how my heart has fallen in love with a little girl in Wuhan, China, all I can say is God does indeed do more than we can ask or imagine!! And the thing is, I haven't even met her yet. I "can only imagine" what more God has in store! I imagine what she'll be like. I imagine what God is going to do in her life and through her life.

Not too long ago, I mentioned to some friends that God was doing more than I could have imagined. One friend answered back, "imagine more". As I thought about that, I realized how limited our imaginations often are. We are so good at imagining the worst at times. But, it's not often we let ourselves imagine the best!! And then to think that even if we do imagine the best - God has more in store. His blessings don't always come in the packages we thought - but they came in packages that are better than we thought! It's mind boggling! And I admit, there are times I think "but I don't deserve all those blessings . ." And it's true. I don't deserve them and neither do you. But God gives them anyway. He delights to give GOOD gifts to children. And the thing is, the blessings are not meant just for us. They're meant to flow through us to those around us. God has poured His blessings out on me THROUGH YOU! And my prayer is that He will pour His blessing out on others THROUGH Me! And one day soon, He will be blessing us all through a little 3 year old girl! Have I said it's mind-boggling yet?!! I won't ever be able to grasp all He's up to - but I pray to grasp a little of that vision!

So go ahead . . take some time and imagine. Imagine the really important stuff of life. Imagine a closer relationship with God. Imagine what blessings He might want to pour through your life into those around you. If life is tough right now, imagine how it could be different. If it's ho-hum okay, imagine it's an amazing adventure. If life is GREAT right now, thank God, and then dare to imagine even more. Then remember that. .

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a way to end the evening before going to bed. I give Praises for Him each day and what he is doing in our lives. We are truly blessed each day and one day sooner with our little girls.

Love ya
Connie Green