Thursday, October 19, 2006

We Made It!

We have officially made it to the one month post-surgery date! (as of yesterday!) That means, Hannah can now officially eat pretty much whatever she wants. No more soft food diet! So, we celebrated after school by heading to McDonald's for chicken nuggets and french fries. Her palate looks really good. There's still a few stitches, but they should be dissolving any day now.
Her surgeon said it would be several months before we knew for sure if her palate was working properly, but there are already good signs. She can blow bubbles, she can blow whistles, and she can make some 'p' and 'b' sounds now that she couldn't before the surgery. So, while she has a long ways to go still, she has also come a long ways. I'm so proud of her, and grateful to God, for all the progress she has made.

In other news, our school had their annual health fair last week. We rotate all the classes through stations all day to check hearing, vision, blood pressure, heart, and dental screening. They also participate in educational programs on safety and nutrition. My class and Hannah's class were paired together for the entire day and she did great with that. Here's a photo of her having her blood pressure checked in the gym.

We took a trip this past weekend to visit my parents. Hannah did great on the 3 hour drive and had a great time visiting. She was properly spoiled and doted on by her grandma and grandpa!

That's it for now. Check back soon for Halloween pictures of the prettiest princess ever!!!

1 comment:

Denna said...

Yeah Hannah. I am glad you are doing better. I love McDonalds also. That is a great place to celebrate.