Wednesday, August 09, 2006

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for my little princess. She's a big girl now with her backpack! Most of you know she's at my school in the preschool program I teach in. Hannah's in the classroom next door. She had a great day and did well according to her teachers. She cried a couple times when she saw me but had to stay with her class. I expected that and she only cried for a couple minutes and then was fine. When I picked her up at the end of the day, she was happily playing. She saw me, said "hi" and kept playing. Then after just a minute, she cleaned up, got her backpack out of her cubby, and grabbed my hand to go.

This week as a whole has been far smoother than I expected. It had the potential to be rough. I left her with some friends ALL DAY Monday. It was a work day for teachers and we had orientation that night. Then, I left her again Tuesday for another work day. Then, she started school today in the room next door to me. But, she has had a good time each day AND has been relaxed and happy in the evenings when she's home with me. In the meantime, I have been able to relax knowing she is cared for by great people. I had a good day at school today too and am excited about my class this year. I have a great class and they will be fun to work with this year.

I have completely enjoyed having this summer off with Hannah and was a little worried about going back to work. But God has reminded me that He has called me to both of these areas of my life: being a mother AND being a teacher. I love doing both of those things. And during those times when I have to rely on others to care for her because of my job, I can do that with confidence knowing that none of my job responsibilities take God by suprise and that He is willing and able to take care of my little girl when I can't be there.


Lisa said...

I am so glad that Hannah is adjusting so well. It is great that she is loving school. That is such a blessing that she is doing so well.
We can't wait to play again!

Anonymous said...

Wow! DeEtte, better be careful you are starting to sound like your mother!! I Love it. Hannah looks so sweet and I'm glad she is adjusting so well. Before long, she's gonna need a trip to Grandma's. We'll have lots of things to do.